Valkyrja - The Cremating Fire

Tonight no voice will sound
Each tongue struck by fear
Every sense entwined in panic
Carving endings into flesh
Knowledge of the striking blade
Knowledge of the storm to come
In a cloud of smoke the final chapter is written
With blood on the last page of a mistake
Civilizations fall like branches
Towards an everburning soil
Kissed by flames of judgment

Tonight new wounds are born
In the planet's body
Now that your body has rejected
The light of life’s weak sun
The whips of punishment
Shall carve an ending into flesh
Where could they possibly hide
When the earth itself implodes?
Each direction its own pyre
We feed the towering flames

Feed the fire
Into the void we sink
In a blaze of destruction
As their civilizations fall like branches
Nothing left to do
But look the Beast in the eye